Saturday, 9 August 2008

Meet Our Staff!

All the staff at HofH have a strong and loving relationship with God and consider themselves part of the ministry of this vision to give the orphans of Kenya a loving home. ie it is a vocation and not just a job of work.

They each have an input into how the home can be run most efficiently and how the needs of each child are fully met.

ROSE: The Manager of the home is a strong and powerful woman of God who will move mountains if she can, in her endeavours to ensure that the children get all the help they need, not only from overseas sponsors but also from the people of Kenya. She also cares for the needs of the staff to ensure that it is not only an efficiently run home but also a very happy one.

PAULINE: The head Housemother has a happy and bubbly personality. This gives her a very good relationship with the children and enables her to encourage them in their school work. Since Pauline joined the home the children's school work has improved immensely.

SAMUEL: The Caretaker of the home is a gentle but strong man of God who knows his own mind and endeavours to ensure the smooth running of the home to a very high standard. 

LYNETTE: Is the second Housemother and is also the wife of Samuel, the Caretaker. They have recently been joined by their first child, a baby girl. Lynette is quiet and reserved but has a mischievous sense of humour. She is such a safe haven for children who adore her cooking!

SUE: The founder of Mombasa House of Hope. If it wasn't for Sue, HofH wouldn't exist!

Psst..... More photos coming soon:)